how to



By Pamela Peeters


It all started during a “salon” in a New York loft on Lafayette Street. A group of about forty people were gathering in the home of a cultural creative catalyst and would be introduced to one of my latest creations: the “Every Week Can Be Earth Week” workshop. This transformational curriculum offered both insights on the importance of sustainable lifestyle solutions as well as practical daily routine solutions. It was immediately picked up by NOKIA for one of their Earth Day celebrations and after its corporate launch, it was made available to all who want to live in harmony with our planetary boundaries and reap the benefits as well.




The departing point for the five-day program was to inspire awareness and appreciation for the Earth’s environment and to assist participants with the transformation of their lifestyle choices into more sustainable ones. This exercise helped them pause about their current habits regarding food intake, waste generation and management, energy consumption, wilderness exploration or their relationship with nature, and lastly, their fitness rituals or investments towards their well-being.


The underlying thought is that once you have a better relationship with a subject, you care more for it. The ultimate goal? To experience the “Return On Investment” or the “Impact of Your Dedication” for doing the right thing on a personal level in such a way that the temporary exercise evolves into a lifelong dedication towards the health and happiness of yourself, your community and the planet. WHY: there is no bigger reward than to feel better mentally, physically and spiritually and this can happen when you become a consciously connected and engaged person. At Sustainable Styles we want you to thrive in all your relationships and we can help you start becoming a sustainability ambassador at home, at the workplace and even at school.


Since its launch eleven years ago and many workshops later, this sustainability program has expanded into the “Eco Hero Challenge,” a five-day experience inclusive of a toolkit after which participants are invited to share their results through a presentation, be it during one of our live events or during multi-media presentations through a photo essay or a short video clip.




Several international science museums and science centers, various professional clubs, youth from ten countries and even the Belgian Senat already took the challenge and their initiatives showcased enhanced awareness and impact. It was more recently endorsed by the Belgian Federal Minister for Sustainable Development Zakia Khattabi as “a project to follow” 




Sustainability Coordinator for the Belgian Senat, who took the Challenge on behalf of the Senat


Pamela Peeters knows that in every person there are seeds of an Eco Hero. She’s watering and tutoring those seeds in every person she meets. Tutor in the sense that she shares her knowledge and experience, and she also provides guidance to develop as a full-grown Eco Hero.


We will dedicate an entire fetaure on this transformational #ECOHEROCHALLENGE in our upcoming issue since we look forward to inspiring you towards more happiness and health! Members to the Sustainable Styles Club can enter the 5 challenges that will turn your employees, family members, classroom and other initiatives into ambassadors for sustainable development. They will be able to share their results and we will calculate the impact of their transformation!

Children around the world have already participated with the “ECO HERO CHALLENGE”. Check our video, and submit their art.